Mitimes Security


Your data is protected.

All data is backed up daily and stored in multiple locations. Information that our customers put in our system is stored on servers that use modern techniques for high availability. We also encrypt the data at rest.

How do we secure your traffic?

All private data in transit between you and us is encrypted, and sent using secure protocols (HTTPS and WSS) for secure data transfer. All passwords are filtered from all our logs and are one-way encrypted in the database using bcrypt.

Full redundancy for all major systems.

The servers we use – from power supplies to the internet connection to the air purifying systems – operate with full redundancy capacity. Our systems are engineered to stay up even if multiple servers fail.

Regularly-updated infrastructure.

Our software infrastructure is updated regularly with the latest security patches. While perfect security is a moving target, we work hard to keep up with security best practices.

Have a question or concern? Need to report an incident?

Have you noticed abuse, misuse, an exploit, or experienced an incident with your account? Please visit our security response page for details on how to securely submit a report.

Security Response

Keeping our customer’s data safe is a high priority. Your input and feedback on our security is always appreciated.

How to contact us about security concerns

Send urgent or sensitive reports directly to We’ll get back to you as soon as we can, usually within 24 hours. Please follow up or ping us on Twitter @mitimesapp if you don’t hear back.

Disclosure and Tracking

We work with security researchers to keep up with the state-of-the-art in web security. Have you discovered a web security flaw that might impact our products? Please let us know.

If you submit a report, here’s what will happen:

  • We’ll acknowledge your report & tell you the best way to track the status of your issue.
  • We’ll investigate the issue and determine how it impacts our products. We won’t disclose issues until our investigation is finished, but we’ll work with you to ensure we fully understand the issue.
  • Once the issue is resolved, we’ll post a security update along with thanks and credit for the discovery.

Our products are built on modern, capable & security conscious platforms. The issue you report might affect the underlying framework, or some other part of our technology stack. We ask for your patience while we make changes. Either way, you’ll always have a Mitimes contact for your issue.

Thank you

We respect the time and talent that drives new discoveries in web security technology and appreciate your willingness to reach out to us.

ISO27001 Information Security Certified
Australian Made

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